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EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB
CFO: Hedi Coelingh
Managing Director: Jakob Hjelmåker

Registration Court: Bolagsverket, Swedish Companies Registration Office, reg. no 556420-7065
VAT no: SE55642070650
Head office: Eriksbergstorget 11, 417 64 Göteborg
Tel.: +46 31 7444430
Fax: +46 31 6464-99
E-mail: info[at]

EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB
Jakob Hjelmåker
Eriksbergstorget 11
S-417 64 Göteborg
Tel.: +46 31 7444430
E-mail: info[at]

Editor "Career":
Human Resources
Tel.: +46 31 6464-07
E-mail: career[at]

Copyright 2020 EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB

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Some of EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB’s web pages include images that are copyrighted by those who provided them.

Trade mark:
Unless otherwise stated all rights to the trademarks on this website are owned by EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB. This especially includes trademarks, logos and emblems. 

This website was created with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless no liability can be assumed for the faultless and exactness of the information. Liability for damage as a direct or indirect result of the use of this website cannot be assumed, as long as this was not intentional or negligence. EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB claims no rights of ownership to third party links and the contents of linked websites. EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB therefore assumes no responsibility for the contents of websites linked to this Website.

EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB want to present themselves to you through an innovative and informative website. The intellectual property as well as patents, trademarks and copyright are protected. This website does not give a licence to use the intellectual property of EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB or third parties.

© 2020 EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB
